All boy. Our Ralphie. His first puddle discovery whilst walking came with the two weeks of rain during Tropical Storm Andrea. He went right through it, eyebrows knit together, eyes all serious. Once through he turned around and retraced his steps. Back through the puddle another three hundred times, this time all grins. Then the playground across the street flooded. Even better.
He could eat a whole cantaloupe in a day, and never tires of rice and beans. That's about as varied as his diet gets, the stinker. We're working on that. He has a fettish for shoes, and brings them to me to be put on. He likes hanging Mardi Gras beads around his neck, and dances to even the slightest whistle of a tune. His communication skills are erupting; though, we're still not sure which language he's speaking. He loves nothing more than to play outside.
He points to his bunny night light and the Jesus Storybook Bible each night as we begin his bedtime routine. He snuggles into my lap and points at the pictures while Daddy reads. Major paci sucking going on, and his "b" (blanket) wrapped around him tight. Still a snuggle bug. [Note to self: Don't blink.]
We talk about his baby brother, and ask his approval on name choices. He doesn't know it yet, but our little world will shortly explode with even more love.
We spent last week in Flat Rock, NC where Daniel stayed busy speaking to high schoolers about seeking Christ during college, and the problem of evil. He's dreaming up plans for a church plant in Charleston, but that doesn't stop him from loving everything here in Rock Hill. He's even been reading some fiction [gasps!] lately. A ridiculous moustache may have made an appearance at some point this past month. But we don't speak of such things. He keeps both Ralphie and I on our toes - and laughing.
I was made for summertime. Sunshine, warmth, green and flowers everywhere. It's cliche to say I'm soaking up these days, but really, I am. Holding my boy close, and feeling his brother bump around inside of me. I am so thankful. I've got exciting plans for my little part of the internet world. Improvements, I hope. Changes. A combination of my personal life, and my photography. That's why it's been a little quieter over here. New things are in the making.
And this little boy growing inside of me? He's a chunk of a kid already. I took old toe nail polish off last week, but have yet to muster the courage to repaint them. Slip on shoes are fabulous. Little brother gets lots of hiccups, because he does lots of somersaults with his mouth open! [At least that's my theory.] We're all hoping for red hair. He may or may not have a name by the time he arrives.
Look for a 32 week update on Thursday!