Sunday, March 21, 2010 sickness and in health...

It's only 75 days until we say our vows, but Daniel has especially learned what it means to "love and cherish... in sickness and in health."

Our spring break visit was long planned-for and anticipated, but not a day into it I was puking my guts out in the Erskine College restroom. It could have been the 2 days we'd spent in the car driving to Charlotte, and then two-and-a-half more hours south down to South Carolina for the first part of our pre-marital counseling; or it could have been the sushi I tried for the very first time at the Japenese/Thai restraunt Erskine's campus minister took us to for lunch; but it most likely was a variation of the common flu that happened to be, unbeknownst to me at the time, sweeping the entire Willeke household.

To make a long story short I was sick. Sick at Erskine. Sick in the car on the way back to Charlotte-- three times over. I'm trying to find words to describe, without giving grotesque details, just how preciously sweet my fiance was with me through it all.

His hand was always resting somewhere on me-- my neck, my back, my knee. He held my hair back for me when I needed it away from my face **ahem** ;-). He even insisted on kissing my forehead before going to bed, and my cheek when I woke up the next morning. He prayed for me. He never made me feel uncomfortable, or gross. He never complained about the side of his car **grins**. He stopped at CVS and bought me peppermints, cold water, saltine crackers and mouth wash, and even offered to skip dinner if the scent was going to bother me too much. He gave up an evening of visiting with old college friends to take me back to my home away from home so I could actually rest. And when we were going 80 mph up I-475 and I asked him to pull over, he jerked right and sped across 3 lanes of traffic to get the car stationary in the median.

He was patient, he was gentle, he was ever so kind. And I could tell with every look and touch and word that he loves me so, so much.

He even said I still looked beautiful.

All this to say, I think I have the world's greatest fiance, and I am completely convinced he will make the best husband ever.

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