Friday, August 2, 2013

Simon Patrick

July 27th our lives got a little sweeter, our hearts loved a little deeper, and this little baby joined our family.

Simon Patrick Wells
July 27th 2013 
6 pounds 10 ounces 19 1/2 inches long
ten fingers, ten toes, two dimples and one bundle of perfect delight

Simon - (Hebrew: To be heard) "Simon whom he called Peter." One of the twelve apostles. A man who, though his faith was weak and immature, and his character impulsive and fearful, was chosen by Jesus and used by the Father, empowered by the Spirit, to heal sick, raise dead, and cast out demons. He preached one sermon and thousands came to Christ. Though often rebuked, and often mistaken, he is the man who cried to Jesus "Wash not my feet only, but also my hands and my head!" and was the first of the twelve to confess Jesus as Christ, the Son of God.

Patrick - (English: Noble) St. Patrick (who actually isn't even a saint!) A young man God saved from sin, and then from slavery. He gave his life to sharing Jesus with the very people who enslaved him - shockingly barbaric Irish clans. He tossed aside the trends of the day that said a people had to be civilized before they could be evangelized, and traveled across Ireland befriending and living among these barbaric clans. He shared the gospel of Jesus with them, planted a church amongst them, trained their men to be church leaders, and moved on to the next clan. By the time he died nearly 40 of the 150 Irish clans were predominately Christian. He was a missionary novel of his time; the church planter of church planters. He was best heard not through fiery sermons or thoughtful commentaries, but through faithful, humble living.

Our first six days with our sweet Simon Patrick have been full. They have also flown by. He is covered by dozens and dozens of kisses from his mama every day. His little head gets "pet" by his big brother morning, noon, and night. Nothing makes his eyes open wider, and his little head turn faster than to hear his daddy's voice say Hi, Simon! 

We are soaking up every ounce of him. And wondering how long we can refrain from blinking to keep life this sweet just a little longer.

More pictures, a birth story, and other little updates are in the works. Check back soon!

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