Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our House These Days

No, we're not selling liquor.... 

We're moving!

So, we don't really have time to make the bed...

Or fold the cute lil laundry... (though it is so cute)...

Or wash the dishes...

Saturday is move-out day, and it's coming fast. Between snuggling, nursing and napping, we're packing as much as we can. It wasn't our plan to move 3 weeks after our baby was born, but Baby thought it would be fun to shake things up a little. :)

A new city, a new house, new neighbors... all this change has me a little emotional. Those of you who know me, know change isn't exactly my favorite thing in the world. (and perhaps post partum hormones don't make it any easier??)

But, this is an exciting new period of our life, and we're both really excited.

Check back for pictures of the new place, and my thoughts on all of it eventually. :)

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