As he gains more independence, it has made this mama rather reminiscent of days gone by, when his cry was a faint quiver, and his skin was too big and rolled like folds of velvet over his perfect arms and legs.
And then I think:
Jesus was like that, too.
I nurse my little one, kiss his scratches, bathe, clothe, and care for him every day. He is needy, and during this Christmas season the thought has been inescapable:
Jesus was like this, too.
At the time of his greatest humiliation, his greatest glory was shown. Completely vulnerable, yet heaven cried Victory!
This Christmas, as I hold my own sweet boy close to me, I've treasured up in my heart that that victory is sure. Because nothing like the weighty responsibility of caring for your own child makes you feel so desperately needy.
"And you shall give him the name Jesus, for he shall save the people from their sins." Matthew 1:21

The world groans in pain, tears fall in bucketfuls. Hearts ache. Minds hurt. Bodies don't work like they should. Men steal and cheat. They murder. Men, women, and children die - some ripe with old age, and season with a good life. Others, too soon - some, much too soon - and thousands, daily, before they even had a chance to take a breath. Always, it hurts.
We need a rescuer. A healer. A comforter. A friend. Someone to cry with us, and to hold us. Someone to fight for the wrong, to make all things right. A defender and protector. A conqueror.
Then Christmastime comes, and amidst the bustle, we can look to that child in the manger and know:
Jesus is all that, too.