Pregnancy Update
How far along?: 19 weeks - kind of crazy to think we're just about halfway there!
Total Weight Gain: about 5 pounds. Didn't want to weigh myself after the Cheesecake Factory Chocolate Raspberry Truffle cheesecake I ate last night. ;)
Maternity clothes? Found a white long sleeved tee at a consignment sale for $1.50, and I'm wearing it today. I now have two pairs of jeans I have to wear my bellaband with - progress!
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: it's OK. Sleeping on my side makes my back and neck ache... We're going to get some better pillows soon.
Best moment this week: The last two weeks I have felt flutters that I thought could perhaps be Baby. This week I was lying in bed and felt a little bump from inside. I put my hand over where the movement was and it was rock hard - then, it slowly got softer. I felt Baby! It's was and is incredible.
Movement: Little bit now and then!
Cravings: sour gummy stuff :)
Gender Predictions: O, I just have no idea. I'm not even going to try to predict anymore.
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: nothing
What I am looking forward to: ULTRASOUND ON WEDNESDAY!!!!
Weekly Wisdom:
Milestones: First movement felt!
this is so exciting. it feels like you guys just told us (and i was about to explode, remember?), now you're 19+ weeks and I'm sitting here with a baby in my arms (and one in a crib...). :) Your little one will be here SO soon!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how fast time has flown by either. Care and I were just talking about how teeny your bump was when you visited in May (you were 18 weeks, right?) and that doesn't even seem that long ago! Now you have those two precious things!
ReplyDeleteI never imagined being a grandma would be so exciting, and fun, and thrilling. Love to you, Mom