I meant to put this together closer to our 1 year anniversary, but O, well. Maybe a couple extra months means I'm a more seasoned housewife? ;)
Registering was super fun for me. Seriously, why would I not want to go around with a little gun machine and scan anything I think would be fun, or useful? :) Daniel and I were registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Macy's. We got mostly everything we needed in gifts, or got to enjoy using gift cards together after our honeymoon!
(For women whose future-husbands are not shoppers this may be the only time your husband will actually enjoy browsing endless aisles of home goods. Daniel and I had a blast that first month... then, it suddenly wore off, and now he comes up with excuses of why not to go shopping faster than I can spend money. ;))
But, let's be honest. There are some things that get used way more often than others. There are also certain items that were way worth the investment, while others you could have done without. Some items I went cheap on, when I shouldn't have. And in todays nifty world of gadgets galore there are dozens of all-in-one systems that are so much easier to own, rather than storing ten different utilities in your spare bedroom closet. ;)
Ok, Ashlee, enough rambling. We get the picture.
Here are my top ten must-haves:
1. Glass Pyrex. Oven, freezer, dishwasher, and microwave-safe. Easy to stack and store. Register for EXTRA of this. You will be glad you had it.
2. Kitchen Aid Mixer - worth every penny. And why not, when it comes in so many fabulous colors? I just want to collect them all! (Kidding).
We didn't get this as a gift, even though we had registered for it, so I waited for it to go on sale at Macy's. On top of the store sale, I used the 20% discount that most stores give you for any remaining items on your registry. They even shipped my choice color {colbalt, please} to my house for free, since they didn't have it in the store. I think we ended up saving like $60 - and I still paid for every penny of the mixer in gift cards! Woot!

3. Good Sheets and Pillows - little lesson from the not-so-wise-but-always-thrifty-me (*blush*): Your sheets will get their wear-and-tear very quickly. Don't just buy the clearance sheets because they're $40 cheaper than the ones you registered for. Invest in good quality, high-count cotton sheets (or whatever your preference is) that will last. Register for two sets - Back up sheets are good for nights when you puke on one and don't feel like washing at 2am. Plus, it's fun to mix and match. As far as the pillows go - I completely forgot about them when registering! But this is another essential we take for granted. Find out if your future hubby is a back, side or stomach sleeper, and get a good quality pillow for him, and for you. Then, register for those pretty fluffy ones for your shams. DO NOT get the $9.99 100% cotton pillows - seriously. I'm embarrassed I when guests sleep over, because I have to hand them a flimsy lump of fluff. :-P

Cast Iron Skillet (small and large?) - We actually didn't register for these. Daniel already had a small and large skillet given to him with a bunch of his grandmother's stuff. I honestly did not know the greatness of them, and sent the larger one to Goodwill, to free up cupboard space [tear]. But I have since learned to love the small one! Everything taste good on a cast iron skillet, and is there anything else easier to clean??
Giant Wooden Cutting Board - oil with some evoo and you're good to go! Wish I had a bigger one... maybe when I'm cooking for more than two we'll upgrade! :)
6. Your Favorite Games - Not a "must have" but definitely a "must register for" :-P We only have a handful of games, but they are all well-used, especially when company is over. It's great to have something to do together besides watch movies.
7, 8, 9. Good Pots, Pan and Knives - You'll be using them everyday, and if you invest well they could last 10+ years.
10. Food Processor/Blender All-in-One - Pictured below is what I have. It was handed down to me by a friend who no longer needed it, and it. is. amazing. This one item blends my smoothies, shreds my cheese, and chops my onions. It's easy to clean (by hand... or it's dishwasher safe) and does everything all in one, so you don't need to buy (and store) several different items.
Of course, I'm sure I'll think of something else after I've posted this, but 10 is a good place to stop.
What are your favorite registry items? What does everyone tell you is a must-have?
Anything you got that was a waste of time/space/money?