Meet Jami and Maddox.
Can't you just see how much she loves him?

Jami and Maddox go to church with us. I asked her if I could use her and her little man to practice some photography, and she was so sweet to give up an evening for me!
It was a [good] challenge to practice on someone who moves more than the few wiggles I get from Ralphie. Maddox was all exploration and adventure! I LOVE little boys!
This little boy loves to give his mommy some snuggles! All I had to do was say, "Maddox, poor mommy! Can you give her a hug?" and he would run to her and cover her in hugs and kisses.
Pretty Mommy. :)
He was very proud of himself, when he got to the top.
Isn't she pretty?
Something was just really funny!
Not only did this shoot challenge how quickly I take pictures (no time to take five shots of the same scene to make sure the focus is PERFECT, because in less than five seconds the scene has completely changed!), the light was very different than what I've experienced before. It was after 7, and the big red train created a lot of shadows. I took a whole round of pictures, concentrating on the frame and focus, and then when I looked at them was horrified to see they were all bright white! Gah. Restart. Thank goodness for delete. :)
I'm thankful for this experience though! I know these sorts of things are what I need to help me learn... Jami even said she might want to do it again. I just might take you up on that, Jami!
Before the sun set we wanted to go over the Glencairn Garden and get a few quick shots. These turned out of be my favorite. Maddox was crazy about the water!
Favorite. I love me some big, brown eyes.
Watching Jami play with her little boy made me giddy for the days that are ahead for Ralphie and me.
Thanks for letting me share in your evening! Love you two, and I'm so excited to get to know you better.